Sunday, November 24, 2019

Free Essays on Extremist Groups

from the Koran out of context and blow everything out of proportion so they can manipulate other people to believe in the false ideals.... Free Essays on Extremist Groups Free Essays on Extremist Groups How the extremist (misplaced zeal) of the Al-Quede groups could be explained as growing out of the basic spirituality of Islam? The Koran is the Muslim’s holy book is meant to give us history of the world and let all mankind live with good moral standards. However, not all people maintain these standards in their day-to-day living. Muslim’s are religious people and believe the words of the Koran. The average Muslim is anti-violence and does not even want to be associated with any beliefs of the Taliban. Since the violent attacks on September 11, the Muslim’s have been trying to protect their reputation and hope that people realize they are not violent and that they are totally against this vicious attack. The Taliban considers themselves Muslims, even though they do not follow the terms of the Koran. They can be compared to another extremist group know as the Ku Klux Klan. Both groups rearrange their religious beliefs so they can use it in negative ways. They are taught and sometimes even raised from childhood to follow the steps of their evil beliefs. They would even sacrifice their own lives for these beliefs. When the Taliban does not get what they want, they usually hurt innocent people who have nothing to do with the actual problem. If they had a problem with people in the government, they should go after the government, instead of innocent people. The problem with these groups is that once they have a taste for power, they will never stop. They take the words from the Koran out of context and blow everything out of proportion so they can manipulate other people to believe in the false ideals....

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